Whom You Can Enroll
What to Know
Residents and clinical fellows who are enrolled in a Graduate Medical Education (GME) training program and work at least 20 hours a week can enroll in the UC residents medical, dental, vision, behavioral health and disability plans. In addition to yourself, you can enroll your eligible dependents in medical, dental, behavioral health, and vision coverage. You and eligible dependents age 18 and older will also be automatically enrolled in the Headspace Cares (formerly Ginger) mental health benefit when you enroll in a UC residents medical plan.
Eligible Dependents
You can enroll the following dependents in medical, dental, vision and behavioral health coverage.
Your spouse or domestic partner
You’ll need to provide documentation to establish your domestic partner’s eligibility. If you cover a domestic partner (and/or children or grandchildren), you will be responsible for taxes on imputed income, unless they are your tax dependents.
In California, imputed income will not apply if your domestic partnership is registered with the state.1
Learn more about how imputed income works [PDF] for domestic partner coverage.
1. If you have entered into a valid same-gender union (other than a marriage) in another jurisdiction, and California recognizes that union as equivalent to a California registered domestic partnership, you may not have to pay taxes on imputed income when you file your state tax return.
Your dependent children up to age 26
With approval from the insurance carriers, a disabled child can be covered past age 26. Dependent children include stepchildren, grandchildren, legal wards and your eligible domestic partner’s children or grandchildren (even if you do not enroll your domestic partner) who can be claimed as tax dependents by you, your spouse or your domestic partner.
Requirements for Domestic Partners
Same-Gender and Opposite-Gender Domestic Partner Eligibility
Your partnership must meet the benefit-specific requirements, as well as one of the following definitions:
- A domestic partnership, whether same-gender or opposite-gender, registered with the state of California.
- A domestic partnership, whether same-gender or opposite-gender, formed in another jurisdiction which has requirements substantially equivalent to California’s requirements.
- A partnership that has not been registered with the state if it meets these requirements:
- Parties must be each other’s sole domestic partner in a long-term, committed relationship and must intend to remain so indefinitely.
- Neither party may be legally married nor be a partner in another domestic partnership.
- Parties must not be related to each other by blood to a degree that would prohibit legal marriage in the state of California. For example, not parents and children, brothers and sisters, half-brothers and half-sisters, uncles and aunts, nieces and nephews, or ancestors and descendants of every degree (this means grandparents and grandchildren, great-grandparents and great-grandchildren, etc.).
- Both parties must be at least 18 years old and capable of consenting to the relationship.
- Parties must be financially interdependent.
- Parties must share a common residence.
Providing Documentation
After enrollment, you will be asked to submit documentation proving your domestic partner is eligible for coverage. Documentation may include:
- State of California form NP/SF DP-1 (Declaration of Domestic Partnership); or
- Proof of registration of partnership with other valid jurisdiction; or
- At least two of the documents below:
- Joint mortgage, joint property tax statement or joint tenancy on a residential lease
- Joint bank account
- Joint liabilities (e.g., credit card, home equity loan or car loan)
- Joint ownership of significant property (e.g., a car or a house)
- Durable property or health care power of attorney
- Wills, life insurance policies or retirement annuities naming each other as primary beneficiary
- Written agreement or contract showing mutual support obligation or joint ownership of assets acquired during the relationship
- Copy of any declaration, affidavit or similar document filed with any other governmental entity
- Joint utility bill
- Joint property tax statement
When requested, send your supporting document to your local Graduate Medical Education (GME) office.